Thursday, June 28, 2012

I told Karlene and Jessica I was done with MK for a little while and then Jackie had to go and tell me she was looking for a job and having a hard time finding one I had to tell her about the opportunity. She wasn't really hearing me at all at first but i practically begged her and she said yes. So we scheduled a interview call but she didn't answer. So I sent her to go look at the "Sell Mary Kay" page on my website and now I'm hosting my own little interview. So much for taking a step back from MK lol it sounds like she might be interested..

Monday, May 14, 2012


Oh good Golly geez.. I took a few days off for prom and i feel like a slacker. i really need to get back to work!

 I had a party today but it got changed to a double facial, stacey and niesha.. but then it got canceled because she had the girl's dentist's apts today at the same time :P phooey but it's ok. last night i was freaking out because i couldnt do it.. i dont feel like i'm prepared enough to do a class. i have no idea what the hell i'm doing! i almost quit last night but i talked to Julie and she helped me come to my senses. i feel inadequate. i'm not as good as the other ladies in our unit, theyre on fire and i'm just barely getting a spark. like a lighter w. no fuel..but they've been doing this for a lot longer then me.. i cant expect to just know everything. Karlene said the same thing.. I'm under the impression that i have all these expectations on me because everyone else is doing so good.. so i need to be doing good too.. and i'm doing.. nothing. ugh. i'm not listening to Kalene's instructions becuase i want to just have sales sales sales i dont want to do a contact list or book 8 parties in 2 weeks.. i mean i would like to have that many bookings but i tried and i cant do it. no one wants to book a freaking party. but i cant expect to do good if i'm not listening to her..

i'm starting to do this training course on the go-getters website. its a wonderful list/outline! yay lists! printed out some shets to work on.. going back to basics.. but it's ok i feel a lot more comfortable doing these small projects then feeling like crap because i'm not getting the sales and inventory and blah blah blah by this certain date and whatever. i guess no free products for me but whatever it's cool i guess..

cant wait till my credit card comes in so i can register for SEMINAR!! aka order my 175$ of free stuff.. woot!

girl scouts tonight so no meeting :( i miss jess and karlene and the girls... aannyways.. off to do some MK work before it's time to go...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


So yesterday was QUITE an amazing day! It started off with allowing myself to sleep in and not going to the gym or doing MK work or school work.. Just wake up and get ready for work because the past few days I have been killing myself working till 2am and then doing all those things before 9am and I was just TIRED! So slept in till 8:00. (Yess that's sleeping  in for me!) went to work for 10:15. Warm chatted a woman about nails and ended up offering her a free facial and getting her phone number! I got home at around 4:30 and got started right away on making phone calls and posting on facebook asking for bookings and sales. I saw that Heather was on and I wanted to tell her about my phone number retrieval and first booking made (stacy, dunno if i blogged about it yet) but i started rambling off my script to her and she ended up booking a party for her and her co-workers! She wants to do it Tuesday evening so I'm going to have to ask to switch my shift that day at DG. Alsooo... I talked to Melissa Membrino and she booked a party for June! It's after the quarter ends but that should be ok..hopefully i will get enough sales before then...

Today I went to the gym..hauled all my MK stuff to the gym, asked a lady if she wanted a facial and she said no.. I forgot to say "is there any reason why" because there was no reason why...all she had to do was take some of my cleanser on her finger wash her face as she getting in the shower..then put some moisturizer on her face when she gets out. ugh I need to get better at this. But I prayed for God's will so whatever happens is meant to happen

Monday, May 7, 2012


HOLY CRAP! I have 3 day to order my inventory before I am considered a failure in my business

Why wont anyone give me money?! I have to ask auntie lana and auntie aud.. they both love me and believe in me and want to see me do big things. and auntie lana is already upset that dad spent all this money and energy and time on jazzy's school.. now he doesnt have any money for me.. well i really wish he had it to give but i'm certainly not jealous

when i told dad i was moving out in a few months he asked what about college.. i dont think he gets it. i dont care about college. i never have, i have never been passionate about anything and now i have this and i dont need a degree for it. if i become interested in something else later on i will persue it but right now i dont need to go to college. i dont understand why people pressure young people to go to college. like theyre running out of time or something. give us a chance to figure out what we want before we rush into the debt and stress and whatever of college. I want to go to beauty school. I will probably take some business coarses but i'm not going to spend all this crazy amounts of money that i dont have for something i might not ever use or like. i have my career path let me run with it. dont judge me because I'm not rushing into college


Advance on Saturday was fun. Got to hear from Jan Mazzioti the only NSD ever from CT.. that was pretty exciting.. I wanted more, I feel like it was too short. but very informative. after that I got to shadow jessica in a party and that was soo awesome! it really put it into perspective for me how this all works.. she sold between 13 and 14 hundred dollars in prducts. in ONE 6 person class. like. WOW! I am so proud of her. I am soo ready for this! I want to be that great! but i need to get started somewhere..

I went to the gym this morning with hopes of facialing one or 2 of the girls who work there and there was a guy working at the counter.. I was so diappointed. I woke up early, I wrote a script, I practiced it, I memorized it,I said it with enthusiasm and I really meant it, it came from my heart, I even put make up on to go to the gym! I really wanted to sell some product today but I was so sure I was going to be able to give some facials. I WAS SOO READY!!! but... you cant always get what you want ♫ Not saying I dont believe in myself cuz i do but God's plans are NOT MINE!!! UUGHH

Friday, May 4, 2012


so i got my first order and i'm not nearly as excited as i thought i would be..
its just my mom..
its just $100..
its just the money i spent on my starter kit..

aslo.. watched the power class finally. finally it's 4 days into the month i make it seem like i was suppose to do this weeks  ago lol i loved it. i have heard jessica say "is there any reason why" but i thought that was her personal preference but i guess it's a MK thing. i have the confidence i just need to get the script down and i think i will do great. i feel so dumb for how i approached "warm chatter" before I really knew what i was doing. i mean like i said i didnt know what i was doing..

i am being very hard on myself today, I'm not over flowing with joy and self-confidence. oh well i guess it happens

i'm back on schedule so that feels good. yesterday i feel was unproductive because i sat on the computer all day.

i transferred my paycheck to my bank account and it's still not there. i didnt know it wasnt gonna be instant.. i hope it isnt lost.. it says 24 hrs..

happy that my schools getting done but it's more then just videos i have to actually do some work..

i'm positive that i've lost weight and I'm thrilled. i go for my dress fitting tomorrow so i reeeaally hope i dont need it altered. i still have a week till prom so i still have some time to lose more.. wish i could weigh myself but i dont really need to, i can see it! :)

Advance tomorrow!!! YAY!!

Thursday, May 3, 2012


in my counseling apt today I was bubbling over with excitement over my new business and i realized how much it's changed me and I thought it'd be good to document it all.. i dont care about making it nice or writing all the right words. i dont mind if anyone reads it but isn't for your entertainment lol

i am high on life right now. i am loving being a MK IBC.

my favorite things - the profits WITHOUT a dollar sign:
encouraging and praising each other, lifting each other up
recognition, rewards pins and ribbons oh my!
working with my team to achieve our goals
achieving my own personal goals - feeling successful and important and GOOD AT SOMETHING
able to run thing how I want
my opinions and ideas being valued
the professional image i am pleased to obtain (dress, manor, etc)
the ability to move WAY UP
challenging myself
focus and drive - away from ed - onto school, future, career, business, independence
being with other women, feeling like a grown up
being a part of something bigger then me
the chance to make other women feel beautiful
being of service and giving to other
the enthusiasum of my unit
the drive to prove all the doubters wrong
freeeee prroodduucts!!

my fears:
the doubters will be proved right..
i wont be accepted for the mk visa
i wont get my inventory ordered in time for all the new consultant benefits
i wont be able to sell all the products in time, have to pay interest, be in debt, have bad credit
i wont be able to get 5 bookings in 2 weeks
i wont have a strong customer base
i will lose drive

my goals:
NSD - $100,000.00 a month + PINK CADI!!!!!!!

this month: 30 facials/30 days
this week: 5 bookings, get aproved for mk visa and order inventory BE A STAR!!!!!
 plan B- Sell like bloody hell from now to June 15!! and BE A STAR!!!!!!