Thursday, May 3, 2012


in my counseling apt today I was bubbling over with excitement over my new business and i realized how much it's changed me and I thought it'd be good to document it all.. i dont care about making it nice or writing all the right words. i dont mind if anyone reads it but isn't for your entertainment lol

i am high on life right now. i am loving being a MK IBC.

my favorite things - the profits WITHOUT a dollar sign:
encouraging and praising each other, lifting each other up
recognition, rewards pins and ribbons oh my!
working with my team to achieve our goals
achieving my own personal goals - feeling successful and important and GOOD AT SOMETHING
able to run thing how I want
my opinions and ideas being valued
the professional image i am pleased to obtain (dress, manor, etc)
the ability to move WAY UP
challenging myself
focus and drive - away from ed - onto school, future, career, business, independence
being with other women, feeling like a grown up
being a part of something bigger then me
the chance to make other women feel beautiful
being of service and giving to other
the enthusiasum of my unit
the drive to prove all the doubters wrong
freeeee prroodduucts!!

my fears:
the doubters will be proved right..
i wont be accepted for the mk visa
i wont get my inventory ordered in time for all the new consultant benefits
i wont be able to sell all the products in time, have to pay interest, be in debt, have bad credit
i wont be able to get 5 bookings in 2 weeks
i wont have a strong customer base
i will lose drive

my goals:
NSD - $100,000.00 a month + PINK CADI!!!!!!!

this month: 30 facials/30 days
this week: 5 bookings, get aproved for mk visa and order inventory BE A STAR!!!!!
 plan B- Sell like bloody hell from now to June 15!! and BE A STAR!!!!!!


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