Wednesday, May 9, 2012


So yesterday was QUITE an amazing day! It started off with allowing myself to sleep in and not going to the gym or doing MK work or school work.. Just wake up and get ready for work because the past few days I have been killing myself working till 2am and then doing all those things before 9am and I was just TIRED! So slept in till 8:00. (Yess that's sleeping  in for me!) went to work for 10:15. Warm chatted a woman about nails and ended up offering her a free facial and getting her phone number! I got home at around 4:30 and got started right away on making phone calls and posting on facebook asking for bookings and sales. I saw that Heather was on and I wanted to tell her about my phone number retrieval and first booking made (stacy, dunno if i blogged about it yet) but i started rambling off my script to her and she ended up booking a party for her and her co-workers! She wants to do it Tuesday evening so I'm going to have to ask to switch my shift that day at DG. Alsooo... I talked to Melissa Membrino and she booked a party for June! It's after the quarter ends but that should be ok..hopefully i will get enough sales before then...

Today I went to the gym..hauled all my MK stuff to the gym, asked a lady if she wanted a facial and she said no.. I forgot to say "is there any reason why" because there was no reason why...all she had to do was take some of my cleanser on her finger wash her face as she getting in the shower..then put some moisturizer on her face when she gets out. ugh I need to get better at this. But I prayed for God's will so whatever happens is meant to happen

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