Monday, May 7, 2012


HOLY CRAP! I have 3 day to order my inventory before I am considered a failure in my business

Why wont anyone give me money?! I have to ask auntie lana and auntie aud.. they both love me and believe in me and want to see me do big things. and auntie lana is already upset that dad spent all this money and energy and time on jazzy's school.. now he doesnt have any money for me.. well i really wish he had it to give but i'm certainly not jealous

when i told dad i was moving out in a few months he asked what about college.. i dont think he gets it. i dont care about college. i never have, i have never been passionate about anything and now i have this and i dont need a degree for it. if i become interested in something else later on i will persue it but right now i dont need to go to college. i dont understand why people pressure young people to go to college. like theyre running out of time or something. give us a chance to figure out what we want before we rush into the debt and stress and whatever of college. I want to go to beauty school. I will probably take some business coarses but i'm not going to spend all this crazy amounts of money that i dont have for something i might not ever use or like. i have my career path let me run with it. dont judge me because I'm not rushing into college


Advance on Saturday was fun. Got to hear from Jan Mazzioti the only NSD ever from CT.. that was pretty exciting.. I wanted more, I feel like it was too short. but very informative. after that I got to shadow jessica in a party and that was soo awesome! it really put it into perspective for me how this all works.. she sold between 13 and 14 hundred dollars in prducts. in ONE 6 person class. like. WOW! I am so proud of her. I am soo ready for this! I want to be that great! but i need to get started somewhere..

I went to the gym this morning with hopes of facialing one or 2 of the girls who work there and there was a guy working at the counter.. I was so diappointed. I woke up early, I wrote a script, I practiced it, I memorized it,I said it with enthusiasm and I really meant it, it came from my heart, I even put make up on to go to the gym! I really wanted to sell some product today but I was so sure I was going to be able to give some facials. I WAS SOO READY!!! but... you cant always get what you want ♫ Not saying I dont believe in myself cuz i do but God's plans are NOT MINE!!! UUGHH

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