Monday, May 14, 2012


Oh good Golly geez.. I took a few days off for prom and i feel like a slacker. i really need to get back to work!

 I had a party today but it got changed to a double facial, stacey and niesha.. but then it got canceled because she had the girl's dentist's apts today at the same time :P phooey but it's ok. last night i was freaking out because i couldnt do it.. i dont feel like i'm prepared enough to do a class. i have no idea what the hell i'm doing! i almost quit last night but i talked to Julie and she helped me come to my senses. i feel inadequate. i'm not as good as the other ladies in our unit, theyre on fire and i'm just barely getting a spark. like a lighter w. no fuel..but they've been doing this for a lot longer then me.. i cant expect to just know everything. Karlene said the same thing.. I'm under the impression that i have all these expectations on me because everyone else is doing so good.. so i need to be doing good too.. and i'm doing.. nothing. ugh. i'm not listening to Kalene's instructions becuase i want to just have sales sales sales i dont want to do a contact list or book 8 parties in 2 weeks.. i mean i would like to have that many bookings but i tried and i cant do it. no one wants to book a freaking party. but i cant expect to do good if i'm not listening to her..

i'm starting to do this training course on the go-getters website. its a wonderful list/outline! yay lists! printed out some shets to work on.. going back to basics.. but it's ok i feel a lot more comfortable doing these small projects then feeling like crap because i'm not getting the sales and inventory and blah blah blah by this certain date and whatever. i guess no free products for me but whatever it's cool i guess..

cant wait till my credit card comes in so i can register for SEMINAR!! aka order my 175$ of free stuff.. woot!

girl scouts tonight so no meeting :( i miss jess and karlene and the girls... aannyways.. off to do some MK work before it's time to go...

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